The Wisdomous

The Wisdomous

Building better perspectives in life.

between woes and foes, the poetry book.


Who are you? You are the force thriving between woes and foes. You are thriving to better yourself every day.

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Ivan's 3 Books


I am releasing three on the 17th of June, 2023!"Too Broken to Belong: How Trauma Shapes and Strengthens Youths" is a book that offers a straightforward and easy-to-understand look at the effects of childhood trauma on young people. Using a layman's perspective, the author simplifies complex psychological concepts and theories so that anyone can understand them."Let Adults Worry About That: Navigating Life's Challenges with Resilience and Grace" is a book for young people who are dealing with the many difficulties that come with growing up. The book offers practical advice and insights for dealing with difficult situations and developing resilience. "Bloom After the Storm: A Quest to Discover Life's Simple Pleasures" is an enthralling and inspiring book about the power of finding joy and happiness in life's small moments. The author leads readers on a journey of self-discovery and reflection through personal anecdotes, scientific research, and philosophical musings.

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The Template : The Past Year Review


How do you plan a review of the past year? It can be overwhelming to sit down and map out your entire year's plans. It's crucial to disassemble the task into more manageable parts. This is the best method to guarantee a fruitful and prosperous year for yourself. Here are some suggestions for how you might organize your own year:1. Firstly, allot some time for it. Dedicate a chunk of time, perhaps a whole day, to your evaluation. Find a peaceful, undisturbed spot to work and stay there.2. It's important to reflect on the past 12 months. Don't only dwell on the positives; weigh the negatives, too. Think about the steps you've taken to get where you want to go. Think about how you've developed and the lessons you've learned. 3. Reflect on what you've achieved and what you've struggled with the most. In the same way that you highlighted the year's most significant achievements, you should now highlight the year's most significant difficulties. The context could be professional, personal, or somewhere in between. 4. Enjoy the fruits of your labour. Celebrate your victories and hard work by treating yourself to a well-deserved reward. Treat yourself to a night out on the town, a day at the spa, or even simply a few minutes of quiet reflection to honour your efforts.A personal annual review is a way to look at one's own growth and successes in a more objective way. Keeping on track with your goals can be made easier by periodically stopping what you're doing to reflect on the previous year.No, it's not a simple process, and you don't have to go through it alone. This is a simple guide:

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